Home»Books, magazines and publishers»“My first Mindfulness diary” has arrived, by Florence Lopez

“My first Mindfulness diary” has arrived, by Florence Lopez

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“My first Mindfulness diary” is the book that Florencia López has just published through Albatros, in order to provide the little ones with the superpowers of calm and mindfulness.

This is a practical guide, carried out by this mental health specialist who, according to Paloma Sainz Vara de Rey, (director of the All One Project Foundation located in the Spanish city of Zaragoza) “proposes a very beautiful and creative way to sow the seeds of mindfulness and compassion in our children and students”.

Vara de Rey adds that “this diary will accompany you to explore and enter together with adults on a journey through five superpowers, where you will find recreational activities and proposals, explained in a language that is close and adapted to the world of children”.

López, who also has a degree in Psychology (UCSF) and teacher, is the creator of the Trankilandia Program of Mindfulness and Children's Emotional Regulation, and co-founder of PlenaMente, Mindfulness and Psychotherapy Center. Works as a children's therapist, teens and families, and guides mothers and fathers on issues of parenting and conscious parenting.

It is worth noting that since the year 1950, la Editorial Albatros se caracteriza por la edición de nicho, that is, the development of books with a focus on specific themes, and the production of clear content, with practical proposals and a lot of closeness with the reader.

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