Home»Who, And TV Series»Cinemas confirmed their return to the Metropolitan Area of ​​Buenos Aires

Cinemas confirmed their return to the Metropolitan Area of ​​Buenos Aires

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Finally and after almost a year of absence, the cinemas will reopen their doors for the happiness of their thousands of fans who were waiting for the return to theaters.

After approval of the corresponding health protocol, In the last hours, the reopening of the rooms corresponding to the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area was confirmed (AMBA).

The return will be the 4 March and so far the billboard has not been fully confirmed, más allá que la cadena Cinemark-Hoyts haya anunciado la llegada de títulos como “Scooby”, “Como perros y gatos”, “Las Brujas”, “Malasaña”, “Avalancha”, “10 cosas que hacer antes de dejartey los contenidos de animéLove Sunshine”, “Akira” Y “Eureka”.

It also remains to know how the national production will return to the ring and what titles will reach the big screen. A great candidate is "The Silence of the Hunter", tape by Martín Desalvo that has already premiered in Córdoba, as well as "The longest night", by Moroco Colman.

Also the Gaumont

Another historic venue that will reopen its doors is the Cine Gaumont-Espacio INCAA KM 0, which will reopen a week later (11 of March)

Continuing with the national cinema, en los próximos días llegarán propuestas como “Un crimen común”, by Francisco Márquez (passing through Berlin and Mar del Plata) the 18 of March; “De la noche a la mañana”, by Manuel Ferrari, the 1 April, and the 15 of April “10 Palomas”, de Tamae Garateguy, with Guillermo Pfenning and Nancy Dupláa.

Still no date, to that list must be added "Virtual reality", by Hernán Findling, with the leading roles of Federico Bal, Christian Sancho and Vanesa González.

Arthouse cinema is also on the waiting list. To the re-release of Federico Fellini's classics, “8 1/2” yLos inútiles”, se suma el de Jean-Luc GodardVivir su vida”.

Concern about the capacity

Beyond the good news of the return of the cinema, there are some differences that generate some concern in the sector.

This was what the lawyer Horacio Grinberg made known, representative of the Argentine Chamber of Independent Film Distributors (CADICI).

The lawyer assured that, although the return is seen with "hope", He also indicated concern and mainly that resides in the difference in capacity that occurs between the City of Buenos Aires and the province.

In that context, the first will be able to shelter the 30 percent of its total capacity, while the province will have the 50. Esta decisión conllevará a quela mayor parte de los cines de diversidad no vayan a abrir porque no le van a dar los números”, causing "multiscreens to bet only on Hollywood tanks".

Grinberg's statements were made during a talk with the TELAM agency, where he added that "independent cinema, Argentine and diverse will continue to be the victim. As a friend says, ‘When elephants make love, the injured party is grass’ and we become grass ”.

Thanks to the return confirmation, the AMBA joins the rooms that were already open in - in addition to Córdoba- The Pampa, Jujuy, Mendoza, Chubut, Land of Fire, Between rivers, Chaco and Corrientes.

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