Home»Music»The Spaniards of Kaos Urbano arrive for the first time in the country

The Spaniards of Kaos Urbano arrive for the first time in the country

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One of the leading bands of the so-called skate punk style, like the Madrid-based Kaos Urbano, will arrive in the country for the first time to give a recital at Uniclub.

The appointment in the Old Guard enclosure 3360 it will be friday 30 September in the framework of the XXV Anniversary tour, with tickets that are on sale through the PassLine system and at Mala Diversión venues (Boedo), Fade to Black (Bond Street), Metalmania (Center), Liverpool (Belgrano), Crazy things (Hummock), santa Guadalupe (Merlo), Transylvania (Lanus), Understyle (Lomas de zamora) and Xennon (Quilmes – La Plata).

This group was born in the town of Alcoendas in 1996 by a group of antifascist skinheads committed against fascism, Spanish capitalism and nationalism exacerbated.

Within that context, they decide to try to give music to the moment of struggle and vindication in which they live, immersed in the decadence of a working-class neighborhood with few exits and without any means at their fingertips, and with almost no group making that style of music on the peninsula, they throw themselves into the mud to compose and adventure music.

Throughout their career they have had two stages of activity; the first ran between the year 1996 and the year 2008 and the second between the year 2010 and the present.

In all these years they have published more than 9 studio albums and a live album, these have had a relatively high commercial success for such an incorrect and anti-commercial group.

at the end of 2019 The band released the album "Suburbiales" and during the pandemic they have remained active with the singles "Vendetta" (2020) and “Story of a curse” (2021).

In January of 2022, released their album “Euforia” and coinciding with their 25 anniversary carry out this world tour.

Likewise, the group has also launched a book where they tell the adventures of the band in these 25 years entitled "The Children of the Street".

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