Home»Music»Los Hombres Bien presented their first official album

Los Hombres Bien presented their first official album

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“Extra hours of rock” is the name of the first record album by Hombres Bien, the Buenosairean group integrated by Walter Domínguez (voice), Daniel De Tullio (low), Marcelo Cóceres (drums) and Alejandro Basilewsky (guitar).

In this way, the rock and blues group ends a recording process that took two years of hard work. This album proposes a journey through the roots of black music, including blues, soul and a ‘jazzera’ imprint.

The song that gives the album its name is the broadcast cut. This song, which will soon become a video clip, perfectly portrays the time and dedication that the musicians put into the making of this record work. It should be noted that it can already be heard on all digital platforms.

In the words of Domínguez himself, this is "the realization of a dream: make the music I want and believe in, in a context of extreme professionalism and at the same time of friendship, which is the first thing we went before we were Men Well ”.

The twelve songs that make up this first album were composed by Walter Domínguez and Lucas Sedler, produced by PopArt Discos. This long-running album was preceded by two EPs: “Anteojos para vereditado en Diciembre de 2018 Y “Anteojos para ver Vol. II” que vio la luz en Agosto de 2019. While the song “La chica del tren” was the band's first hit song, which was made video clip released on 19 July 2019.

The album also has two invited musicians who put their creativity and keyboards: Chucky from Ipola (former keyboardist of Los Piojos) y FedericoTíoAristegui (renowned sound engineer and producer).

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