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The Children's and Youth Book Fair in numbers

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One of the most popular winter holiday proposals ended on Sunday.: the 32nd Children's and Young People's Book Fair. With similar attendance to last year, This great literary gathering offered a wide variety of activities for the whole family.

Then, The sidewalk presents the most relevant data of this new edition, organized by the Fundación El Libro, which was carried out from 8 al 28 July 2024 in the former Central Post Office.

The fair had more than 350.000 visitors during their 21 days duration. Participate 72 exhibitors, distributed 56 stands, occupying an area of 865 m². A total of 421 activities, of which 50 were managed by the exhibitors and 371 by The Book Foundation. Between these, They stood out 339 Children activities, 165 storytelling shows, 110 science workshops, 64 art workshops and 32 Youth Movida activities on the Whale Terrace, in addition to 511 events in the room.

One of the most notable functions was that of Storycatcher in the Argentine Room, which attracted more than 1000 assistants. Two Comics Festivals were also held, one for children and one for young people, as well as book signing sessions with the participation of 31 authors and illustrators. The fair also offered science workshops and experiments by Melquíades, and two story-telling rooms with the participation of children's storytellers such as Natalia Casagrande, Bel Costa, Aldana Tenaglia, NanuStories, Andrea Martinoli, Anto Rocchi and Any González.

Regarding programs and days, 30 Exhibitors joined the “Friendly Bookstore” and “Library” Program, while 81 Participants attended the Conference for Reading Teachers and Mediators. The “Great Journey” had the participation of 31 exhibitors and Professional Conferences registered 415 registered. further, they were received 46 school contingents with a total of 1596 students.

In social networks, the fair maintained a strong presence with 81.823 Facebook followers, 7.288 in x and 33.100 and Instagram.

Pregonero News and Awards

For second consecutive Year, an author inaugurated the fair: Pablo Bernasconi gave the opening speech on 12 July in the Hall of Honor of the Cultural Center, with the assistance of authorities such as the Secretary of Culture of the Nation, Leonardo Cifelli, and the Secretary of Education of the Nation, Carlos Torrendell. The fair occupied several floors of the Cultural Center, more than 70 exhibitors and hundreds of activities developed continuously and simultaneously.

The young people had their own space on the Whale Terrace, where book presentations were held, trivia, games, music and talks with prominent bookfluencers from the literary field. The two Comic Festivals also attracted numerous children and young people, bringing them closer to literature, the poetry, the comic, The science, The chats, stories and art.

On Friday 26 In July the Pregonero Awards were presented. The winners were Poly Bernatene (Honor), Visual Language Chair 3 (Institution), Social storytellers (Special), Gustavo Bombini (Specialist), Radio Tacatun (Journalism and Communication), Yuyo's little book (Digital Content), Ruca Quimn Popular Library (Library), Ponsatti Books by María Eugenia Pons (Bookshop), Andrea Martinoli (Narrator) and Mariana Baggio (theater, Music and Puppets).

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