Home»theater»“More beautiful than death” is presented at the Host Theater

“More beautiful than death” is presented at the Host Theater

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With performances that will take place every Friday from 21, the show “More beautiful than death” will be presented at the Host Theater, under the direction of Claudia MacAuliffe.

Starring Osqui Ferrero, Sonia Novello –who is also in charge of the dramaturgy- and Alejandro Vizzotti, the work will develop its history in the leafy garden of a country house located in the suburbs.

There will converge a woman enraptured with nature, her husband who will reflect on his past and his end and a young teenager.

In that context, nature will witness in all its splendor that it understands everything, la finitud y el renacer.

Tickets are available through the Alternativa Teatral system or at the ticket offices of the Venezuela venue. 3340.

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