Home»theater»“My son only walks a little slower” arrives at the Presidente Alvear Theater

“My son only walks a little slower” arrives at the Presidente Alvear Theater

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From 4 April the play “My son only walks a little slower” will hit the stage of the Teatro Presidente Alvear, where it will have performances from Wednesday to Sunday.

Under the direction of Guillermo Cacace, This piece created by Ivor Martinić is a Croatian setting whose translation corresponds to Nikolina Zidek.

The plot of the play revolves around Branko, a man who suffers from a degenerative disease and for this reason rejects all types of pity. This is how he feels with his mother, while at the same time appreciating the love and support of his potential girlfriend.

“My son only walks a little slower” has been on the world's marquees for ten years now and this time it arrives through the International Dramaturgy Festival (Europe + America), the Croatian Center of the ITI (International Theater Institute) and Apacheta Studio Room. With the support of EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture).

The cast is made up of Alejandro Guerscovich, Paula Fernandez Mbarak, Antonio Bax, Romina Padoan, Few Ducasses, Luis Blanco, Clarisa Korovsky, Aldo Alessandrini, Julia Gárriz, Gonzalo San Millán and Juan Andrés Romanazzi.

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