Home»theater»“Plague monologues” arrives at the Caras y Caretas space

“Plague monologues” arrives at the Caras y Caretas space

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The cycle "Monologues of the plague", coordinated by Mauricio Kartun, reaches the site Salas Caras y Caretas Online, which can be accessed for free from Friday 6 November at 21 until Sunday 8 to 23 through Alternativa Teatral.

At the beginning of the quarantine, Caras y Caretas organized the contest "Micromonologists of the plague", to whom they presented themselves around 2.500 works and ten of them were selected, that were acted by actresses and actors - plus directors, directors and technicians- in the scenic spaces of the institution, with the corresponding protocols.

The works that will be seen will be:

– "The Rat", by Bernardo Cappa, with Luis Ziembrowski and direction of Paula Hernández

– "The cell phone at hand", by Gabriel Graves, with Agustín Rittano and direction by Marcelo Mininno

– "Super flight", by Gilda Bona, with María Ucedo and direction by Agustín Rittano

– "Globalized", by Sol Rodríguez Seoane, with María Onetto and direction of Juan Parodi

– "Difficult", by Mariano Saba, with Julián Lucero and direction by Julieta Berenguer

– “Connected context”, by Mariano González, with Gustavo Garzón and direction by Marcelo Melingo

– “Tornasolated”, by Patricio Abadi, with Luis Campos, with the direction of Andrés Bazzalo

– "Just a joke", by Esteban Pico, with Claudio Da Passano and direction by Malena Figó

– "At home", Enrique Federman, with Gabo Correa and direction by Vicky Cipriota

– “Quince”, by Paola Traczuk, with Poli Dulitzky and direction by Andrés Granier

The cycle has technical production by Carlos Rodríguez, Francisco Rodríguez cameras, Sergio Chiossone and Adrián Martínez, Edited by Raúl Otero and Melisa Navarro, backstage photography by David Subi, incidental music by Martín Pavlovsky, production assistance from Rosario Vera, Horacio David production, direction by Marcelo Melingo and curator of texts by Mauricio Kartun.

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