Home»theater»"Nebula monotony" is presented by only two functions

"Nebula monotony" is presented by only two functions

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This Friday 18 September and the next will be presented the online show "Nebula monotony, invocation to Oliverio Girondo ”, the poetry marathon that has a great cast.

from 21, Luis Machin will be on screen, Carlos Belloso, Alberto calls, Fabio Auctions, Fabián Arenillas, Matías Marmorato, Francisco Andrade and Damián Lomba. They will indignant in images in the privacy of their social isolation and enter the poetic universe of Oliverio Girondo.

Through a particular text -of one of the most important poets in Latin America-, the voice-overs will function as a common thread, where each guest had the challenge of turning it into visual material through images that they themselves were building with their cell phone camera.

In this way, each poem was transformed into a unique piece of collective construction. A ceremony crossed by the universe of Oliverio Girondo and that, to crown this experience, A live chat will be held by zoom with the actors on a date to be confirmed.

Nebulosa monotoníaes el segundo capítulo de esta serie de audiovisuales. First, "The lilacs, the silence and the night ", is now available in Alternative Theater, with poems Alejandra Pizarnik, with a cast consisting of Mirta Busnelli, Marilú Marini , Cristina Banegas placeholder image, Florencia Raggi, Valentina Bassi, Monica Raiola, Laura Grandinetti and Heidi Fauth

It should be noted that part of the proceeds will be donated to Solidarity Artists.

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