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New exhibition dedicated to Mariquita Sánchez de Thompson

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The Cornelio de Saavedra Historical Museum will open its doors to present the exhibition “Mariquita Sánchez de Thompson: in First Person” on Thursday 4 of July.

This sample, which will begin at 6 p.m., will be dedicated to the life and work of Mariquita Sánchez de Thompson, a crucial figure in 19th century Argentine history.

The exhibition will focus on the influence of Mariquita Sánchez de Thompson in Buenos Aires society and her role in the formation of the country.. Through letters and other personal documents, Visitors will be able to learn about his sharp political vision, his relationships with important figures of the political and cultural elite, and his perspective on exile and the social customs of his time.

Featured Activities

Talk about the generation of 37: Nathalie Goldwaser and Fabio Wasserman will talk about the Mariquita bond and the role of women in the nation-building process.

Mariquita Sanchez. Under the sign of the revolution”: Graciela Batticuore will present unknown aspects of Mariquita's life, based on his biography.

”Mariquita Sánchez. “Political and sentimental life”: María Sáenz Quesada will present parts of her book, revealing the intimacy of power in the great Buenos Aires families and the place of women in the history of the country.

"The Lady of the Mirrors": Gabriela Margall will present her book, showing a different side of Mariquita Sánchez, far from the canonical image.

Theater and history in prison contexts: Adriana Tursi and Claudia Quiroga will share their experience in editing Lost Love Letters by Mariquita Sánchez de Thompson in the Federal Penitentiary Service.

Screening of the documentary Mariquita, revolution woman: With the presence of its director Sabrina Farji and Paula Félix Didier, director of the Pablo C Cinema Museum. Ducrós Hicken.

Talk about fashion in the colonial period: Hosted by the Augusta Victorian Association.

Once opened, The exhibition can be seen on Mondays, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 11 a 19 hours. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 11 a 20 hours.

Admission will cost 500 pesos for the general public, while for non-resident foreigners it will be 3 A thousand pesos.

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