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New financial support for Buenos Aires cultural spaces

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The Government of the City of Buenos Aires approved Law No. 6.315, through which measures are provided specifically aimed at tax relief for taxpayers in the face of the economic and financial consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

In that sense, allows those businesses considered non-essential to request the cancellation of the Real Estate Tax and Remuneration Rate of Lighting Services, Sweeping and Cleaning, Maintenance and Conservation of Sinks, corresponding to the months of June and July of the current year, to domain holders, the usufructuaries, the holders of surface rights and the owners as owners of the commercial premises in which activities of sale of personal property and provision of services are carried out. With the exception of financial institutions, those of collections of services and taxes and those arranged in the subsections 1 a 24 of Article 6 of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency No. 297 / PEN / 2020.

The liberatory benefit reaches bookstores, cinemas, exhibition spaces, art Galeries, notable bars, records, commercial theaters and dance venues. They represent, as a whole, some 1000 establishments dedicated to cultural activities.

The processing of the benefit of the exemption of the payment of the quotas Nº 6/2020 y Nº 7/2020 (corresponding to the months of June and July) through the application "Tax Relief Pandemic COVID-19" can be done through the website of the Government Administration of Public Revenue (www.agip.gob.ar), Accessing with City Level Password 2. Those who have already paid in June and July, will have recognition of a tax credit equivalent to the amount entered in said concept.

This measure is in addition to those that have been working to continue accompanying the sector and sustain the work of cultural spaces, artists and cultural managers of the City before the obligatory suspension of activities. In that sense, the 5 May the Ministry opened the call for the Metropolitan Fund for Culture, the arts and science, with an extraordinary economic reinforcement and with flexibility in the registration requirements.

This call, which closed 28 May and is specifically intended for the operation of cultural spaces, creators, training and qualification, is in the documentary control stage, selection and subsequent publication.

Finally, and with the aim of promoting the reactivation of the cultural sector and promoting a future projection, the 14 of July, the Ministry of Culture of the City opened the call for Patronage Cultural Participation, the program that generates the most financial support for artistic-cultural projects, encouraging public-private investment.

Patronage Participation Culture is a financing program that allows the development of artistic and cultural projects, through which the companies that pay CABA the Gross Income tax, can allocate part of it to support the aforementioned proposals. This program has the purpose of allowing the sector to plan in such a way to generate the reactivation of the culture of the City.

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