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New shows in Pilar within the framework of the Cultural Corridors

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Within the framework of the Cultural Corridors cycle offered by the Commune of Pilar, During this weekend different proposals will be carried out in the neighborhoods of Derqui, Manuel Alberti, Pilar center and San Alejo.

Respecting the corresponding health protocols, más de una decena de artistas pilarenses se desplegarán desde hoy y hasta el domingo para reencontrarse con el público y compartir su talento con las familias de cuatro localidades.

According to what was expressed by Juan Manuel Morales, Undersecretary of the Culture area of ​​the Municipality, the great response received from the neighbors in each of the squares "encourages us to continue calling on local artists to enjoy their talent and extend the arrival of cultural tools to each of the neighborhoods".

The first date of the weekend will be this Thursday in the Monterrey neighborhood, by Presidente Derqui (Nest Square, Corrientes and Bolivia). Meanwhile, on Friday the shows will arrive in the El Rocío neighborhood, by Manuel Alberti (René Favaloro Square, San Fermin 2099)

The center of Pilar will have its Culture in Your Neighborhood date on Saturday afternoon; el lugar elegido es el Corredor Aeróbico MunicipalRoberto Torres” (Return of Obligado 650). Finally, Sunday will close the calendar of the week in the San Alejo neighborhood, Champagnat town (Plaza San Salvador and Pirovano, Saint Alejo).

In every square, the proposal will allow you to enjoy circus shows, and then mini musical recitals of various genres such as rock, pop and cumbia, among others.

In all cases the start time is 19, although it is recommended to attend early to ensure a place in the bubbles of social distancing. In each venue, also, The temperature will be taken at the entrance and there will be sanitization posts for the spectators.

In the previous week, although with some rescheduling due to weather, the Pilar Cultural Corridors reached the towns of Del Viso, in the Villa del Carmen neighborhood, and Villa Rosa, in the Pellegrini neighborhood.

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