Home»theater»Pilar Boyle stars in "Catching Wild Birds" at Moscow Theater

Pilar Boyle stars in "Catching Wild Birds" at Moscow Theater

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Within the framework of the celebration for its ten years of experience, the Basamenta group will premiere the play "Capture of wild birds" in Moscow Theater and with the presence of Pilar Boyle, one of the most prominent actresses in today's independent theater.

The premiere will be on Saturday 27 of March, with a face-to-face audience following the corresponding health protocols. This will be the fourth proposal of Basamenta, that has the direction of Ignacio Torres.

Along with Boyle will be Natali Cabovianco, Torres himself, Matías Corradino, Fernando Morales and Florencia González.

In total there will be eight functions of this show performed by Basamenta, the group made up of artists graduated from the School of Metropolitan Art (EMAD).

"Capture of wild birds" is a staging that reveals different lines of action. On the one hand, a possible story of human beings caring for birds and on the other hand - also on stage- the magic and beauty of animals that fly, they court and at the same time fight for their conservation.

As Torres explains, “Ten years with the same theater search group is already a fact to celebrate, and celebrating it with the premiere of our fourth work makes me very happy "and added that the work" puts the focus on the miniscule – in the slightest flutter possible- and at the same time in the greatest hunt. In the play a flock emerges, where there was nothing, to destroy everything ".

Tickets can be purchased through the Alternative Theater platform, at a cost of 600 weights and 450 for students and seniors.

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