Home»Culture»Pilar says goodbye to February with several proposals from Cultural Corridors

Pilar says goodbye to February with several proposals from Cultural Corridors

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There are a few days left until the end of February and, in that context, Pilar will carry out new days of Cultural Corridors, with free activities for the whole family.

Outdoors and starring local artists, from this Thursday until Sunday, the activities agenda includes the following proposals:

This Thursday in Pilarica (Posadas and H. Ascasubi), where Muriel Lanfranco will perform, Reyes Circo and the rock band Clixs.

On Friday the activity will move to the plaza in the Santa Teresa neighborhood, en Lagomarsino (Belize and Hungary) with the performance of the Municipal Symphony Orchestra, which will offer a popular folk repertoire; the 87 Band (cumbia), Reyes Circo and the murguera music band Utopías Denunciadas.

For his part on Saturday, the Cultural Corridors will arrive at Del Viso center (Olavarría and Route 26), where they will open circus shows and then rock will arrive with Heavy Foot and Strange Mind.

Finally, on Sunday the calendar of the week will have its closing in Manzone, in the Plaza de los Niños (Uruguay and 20 of June), where the show will include circus and local bands Wild Rock and Aspirina for Mirta.

In all cases the functions begin at 18 and it is recommended to attend in advance to ensure a place in the organized bubbles to promote social distancing among the spectators. Upon entering the premises, body temperature will be controlled and hand sanitizer will be provided, objects and surfaces.

Last weekend, the Pilar Cultural Corridors gathered a large audience in each of their presentations. The itinerary reached the Monterrey neighborhood in Presidente Derqui, El Rocío in Manuel Alberti, the Municipal Aerobic Corridor of Pilar centro and the Tribarrial square of San Alejo.

A) Yes, since its inception in mid-January, the tour of the Pilar Cultural Corridors has already reached fifteen locations in a dozen locations in the district.

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