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Few spaces available to participate in the Book Fair

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After its most successful edition and six months after the new meeting that will take place in La Rural in April, The International Book Fair announced that its stand occupation is practically full.

According to what was reported by the Fundación El Libro, entity that organizes the already traditional literary meeting, the total number of stands reserved for the edition that will take place between 25 April and 15 May exceeded 95 percent.

Twice postponed by the pandemic, the previous edition of the Fair broke all records, both in number of public, sales, occupation, professional visitors, logistics and media coverage.

After its official launch, which was carried out in a massive act on 14 September at the National Library, the different spaces of the Book Fair began to be commercialized with a renewed enthusiasm.

In addition to being reserved in more than one 95% at the stand offer, there are a large number of new national and international exhibitors, among which Vietnam and Korea stand out. further, there is great expectation for the landing of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago as Guest City of Honor.

On the other hand, The El Libro Foundation will finance NuevoBarrio with its own resources and for the sixth consecutive year, an innovative space in which commercial publishers from Argentina and abroad can participate free of charge. The call to apply is open until 5 December and among the received proposals will be chosen 12, valuing the quality and diversity of its catalogs. See bases.

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