Home»Who, And TV Series»First edition of the International Film and Multimedia Festival

First edition of the International Film and Multimedia Festival

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Between 26 and the 28 March the first International Film and Multimedia Festival will take place (fecimos), a virtual meeting held by the Cooperativa Taller Imagen.

This festival aims to promote cinema within the country and abroad, presenting short films both fiction, animation and documentary. There will also be talks and workshops.

Each of the realizations will be divided into sections, with a National Short Film Competition, International Short Film Competition and a Quarantined Short Film Competition, as well as talks for young people and adults.

Total, son 30 the short films selected in the open call that can be viewed for free on the Taller Imagen website (www.tallerimagen.edu.ar) during the 3 days the Festival lasts.

FECIMU will also have a sample of works by students of the Escuela Taller Imagen made during the 2020.

further, FECIMU has the support of the Contracorriente Spiritual Festival that will have a special participation during the Festival and a sample of short films.

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