Home»Who, And TV Series»They want to sue Disney for the phrase “hakuna matata”

They want to sue Disney for the phrase “hakuna matata”

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A native Zimbabwe activist launched a campaign to sue Disney for "cultural appropriation", Having recorded the famous phrase "hakuna matata", used in the film "The Lion King".

 He warned Shelton Mpala, who is leading a signature collection, giant Entertainment committed "robbery" and an act of "colonialism" to register that phrase as a trademark, DPA reports.

"A Disney you can not afford to trademark recorded something that did not invent ", said activist, who recalled that "Hakuna matata" is a phrase commonly used in countries like Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundí, Mozambique and Congo.

While recording the sentence by Disney occurred in 2003, after the great success achieved in the animated tape 1994, the He returned to settle controversy because the company is planning a remake for the next year.

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