Home»theater»Rafael Spregelburd presents Bizarra in Podcast format

Rafael Spregelburd presents Bizarra in Podcast format

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bizarre, by Rafael Spregelburd, It has been one of the successes of the national theater and now it will return in a totally different way: in Podcast format.

Convened by the Kirchner Cultural Center, Its creator and director in turn brought together a cast of actors from the original casting to give life to the chapter entitled Bizarra “El Once, an Argentine sequel ".

This new proposal will be divided into eleven short episodes, The podcast will be on the CCK networks starting this Saturday 11 December with the plot and the original spirit of that theater novel (novel genre that combined the soap opera with the theater), but with new twists and references to political and social news, just like those chapters that marked an era.

Celebrating the return of Bizarra, the presentation of the podcast is made divided into 11 new episodes that complete chapter eleven of this Argentine sequel. During the meeting, Rafael Spregelburd, Nicolás Varchausky and the cast of "El Once" will be interviewed by the actress, director and playwright Andrea Garrote. A nostalgia-free tour of the Bizarra experience today, twenty years after his birth. An exclusive preview of the podcast will be heard and there will be live music, with the classic compositions by Nicolás Varchausky who will perform together with Isol.

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