Home»Culture»The call was opened for the Alcides Greca Provincial Narrative Prize

The call was opened for the Alcides Greca Provincial Narrative Prize

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The Ministry of Culture of Santa Fe announces the traditional contest, which this time is dedicated to the Narrative genre and awards –through a jury of professionals– the best unpublished and original work, as well as the best narrative book published between June 2017 and October 2020.

The call for the Provincial Prize for Narrative "Alcides Greca" 2020 anticipates that the works will be received between 16 October and 9 November 2020. For the best edited work there is a prize of sixty thousand pesos ($ 60.000), while the best unpublished work receives a prize of forty thousand pesos ($ 40.000) and the publication of the work by the Editorial of the Ministry of Culture of the Province of Santa Fe.

Will be provided, at the same time, five mentions of unpublished works, each one of forty thousand pesos ($ 40.000), with an equitable selection criterion within the provincial territory.

It should be noted that all the works, even those already edited, can be presented this year digitally through the https web://www.industriascreativas.gob.ar/ediciones/premios-literarios.

For further inquiries, write to premiosliterarios@santafe.gov.ar

Some history

Since 1970 and in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 2.912/69, The Province of Santa Fe uninterruptedly announces the Triennial Awards for Literary Creation, destined to distinguish and support the edited and unpublished production of the writers of the province. Major genres covered on a rotating basis: Poetry Prize "José Pedroni"; "Alcides Greca" Narrative Award and "Juan Álvarez" Essay Award.

The editions area of ​​the Ministry of Culture of Santa Fe offers authors who win the unpublished category to reach publication in a professional format: has an editor, a recognized seal and commercial distribution, plus a guaranteed institutional distribution.

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