Home»theater»The national radio theater competition was announced

The national radio theater competition was announced

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The Ministry of Culture of the Nation, Radio y Televisión Argentina and the National Theater Institute signed an agreement to launch the national radio theater contest “Scenes in tune”.

“The purpose of this call is to value the radio theater format as a means of theatrical production, stimulate content production between radio and theater, protect the work of national authors, independent theater groups and casts and generate content that can be developed within the framework of preventive and compulsory social isolation, providing valuable material for the celebration of the centenary of Argentine radio ", was highlighted.

The communication indicated that "they will be selected 48 projects from all over Argentina stimulating and strengthening the creative work of actors and actresses, Authors, and of all those involved in the performing arts in radio format ".

The announcement of the initiative whose bases and conditions will be soon on the pages of the National Theater Institute (http://www.inteatro.gob.ar) and the Ministry of Culture of the Nation.(http://www.cultura.gob.ar), was signed in La Cúpula del Centro Cultural Kirchner.

The Minister of Culture of the Nation was present there, Tristan Bauer; the president of Radio y Televisión Argentina, Rosario Lufrano; the director of Radio Nacional, Alejandro Pont Lezica; the secretary of Cultural Management, Maximiliano Uceda; the director of Decentralized Organizations of the Ministry, Sebastian Berardi; and the director of the National Theater Institute, Gustavo uanos.

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