Home»theater»The prizes of the contest "Potencia y Política" were delivered

The prizes of the contest "Potencia y Política" were delivered

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Recently and with the presence of Luisa Kuliok and Javier Daulte, The Culture area of ​​the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation presented the awards for a new edition of the “Power and Politics” theatrical contest.

In the context of this third edition, The General Director of the area was present at the event., Lito Gras, Culture Director Andrea Barbieri, the jurors Luisa Kuliok, Javier Daulte and Roberto Perinelli, representatives of the theater community, winners and friends.

“Comings and stays” was the name of the first winning project, created by Alejandro Luis Santucci from La Plata. Meanwhile, The second prize went to “On the corner of Boedo and Florida”, by Marcelo Britos from Rosario; while the third went to “Juan de Guzmán” by Alicia Herminia Muñoz, originally from the Buenos Aires city of Moreno.

Santucci, who received first place, He explained that it was “a very big emotion.”, especially in this year that commemorates the 40 years of democracy, What was the reason for the contest?, since they are resignified in this state of things in which we find ourselves, with everything that is coming, and it is important that the theater is inside the Chamber”.

Likewise, three special mentions were awarded without order of merit, that were for “The bones” by Mariano Saba (CABA), “Let the house burn but let the smoke not come out” by Magalí Chamo (CABA) and “Tierra Sucia” by Paula Echalecu (Flowers, Buenos Aires).

The winning texts will be included in the Digital Library of theatrical works “Power and Politics” and will subsequently be edited and published by the Printing Office of the National Congress in a compilation that will be presented at the Buenos Aires International Book Fair..

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