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a new book Beatle be presented at the Usina del Arte

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"The Beatles in the final (1967-1970. Volume 2 "is the name of the work done by Sergio Marchi and Fernando Blanco will close the story begun in" The Beatles – from the beginning (1962-1966), published in April 2017.

Cloud 9 will be present

This new book, which will be presented on Saturday 20 of April (from 20.30) in the Usina del Arte, continues the legacy Beatle analysis from the 67 until their separation.

On the other hand, besides the presence of reputable authors, The evening will end with the presentation of the renowned band Cloud 9, who will perform an excerpt from the famous Blue Album, an emblem of that era with songs that meant the end of a story that will last forever.

Fernando Blanco is a marplatense that since childhood began to become familiar with music, taking their first steps in the band Super Ratones. Later armed Cloud 9 to perform songs from the Fab Four. At the same time, He continued his solo career and letters, Marchi also working with "Beatlend" and giving courses "Beatle Experience", where he reviews disc album The Beatles.

On the other hand, Sergio Marchi is a renowned rock journalist, who also sucked the Beatles music from a very young. After finding its place in the media, alternated the practice of journalism in print media, radial, television and virtual.

Also teaches courses on the history of rock and journalism. It has seven books published: "Do not say anything: a life of Charly García " (1997, with update 2007), "Witness tape: radio inside " (2002), "Rock lost: hippies to chabon culture " (2005, republished in 2014), “Beatlend (2009, co-authored with Fernando Blanco); Pappo: suburban man (2011), Walls and Bridges: Roger Waters, Pink Floyd's brain (2012) y Room Service: the scandalous life of rock stars (2014).

Those wishing the match, They can book tickets online in buenosaires.gob.ar/usinadelarte/entradas.

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Sergio Marchi: “The Beatles are life, you just have to know how to listen”

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