Home»Books, magazines and publishers»The first edition of the Galera Festival is held in Rosario

The first edition of the Galera Festival is held in Rosario

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With the focus of establishing greater contact between the main comic book publishers at the national level, the city of Rosario will host the Galera Festival for the first time.

The appointment will be at the Roberto Fontanarrosa Cultural Center on Thursdays 27 and Friday 28 October, starting at 10 and even 20 hours in the Leónidas Gambartes room.

The meeting will have the presence of editors from Rosario, Santa Fe and Buenos Aires. Within that context, five discussion tables will be held, in which different axes of editorial work will be addressed with a specific focus on comics and the national scene.

It is worth adding that each of these tables will be broadcast on YouTube, in order to expand the scope and dissemination, as well as to preserve the record to extend the debates beyond the days of the meeting and the participants who may be physically present at that opportunity..

Another of the contents will be a workshop from legal and accounting aspects, where it will be based how to manage a sustainable publishing house and a fair will be held around all the activities proposed.

Then, The sidewalk shows you the complete schedule

Workshop for editors: How to manage a sustainable publisher? Abrach & Associates. Thursday and Friday, of 10 a 12 hs.

Mesa: What does a comic book editor do?? Una aproximación a la labor editorial, from the project to the comic in your hands. Thursday 15 a 16 hs.

Mesa: how do we sell it? The challenges of distribution and marketing, from direct sales at fairs to chain bookstores. Thursday 17 a 18 hs.

Mesa: how do we pay it? Financing: subsidies, savings,credits. Thursday 19 a 20 hs.

Mesa: how do we edit? The choice of supports. print and digital. formats, designs, styles. Friday 16 a 17 hs.

Mesa: what we edit? How the content to be published is defined and chosen. Friday 18 a 19 hs.

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