Home»theater»Dates were added to see "Hacia el twpúsculo" online

Dates were added to see "Hacia el twpúsculo" online

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Thanks to the good reception it had from the public, the show “Towards Twilight” directed by Oscar Barney Finn added functions to be able to enjoy it online.

The new dates will be from Thursday the first of October until Sunday 4, with tickets that can already be obtained through the Alternative Theater platform.

"Towards the twilight" is a story that brings together seven artists who relate, with cinematic climate, Irish tales -based on the texts of William Butler Yeats-.

In that context, Marta Lubos will appear, Sebastian Dartayete, Pablo Mariuzzi, Roberto Mosca, Cecilia Chiarandini, Paulo Brunetti and Pablo Flores Maini

It is noteworthy that, Each day the show will be available from 0 Thursday hours until 24 Sunday.

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