Home»theater»Season Two of “Hell”, the work of Raphael Spregelburd

Season Two of “Hell”, the work of Raphael Spregelburd

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After a successful first season on Calle Corrientes, the show “Inferno” –by Rafael Spregelburd- prepares for his return to the Astros Theater.

This second season will start on Wednesday 15 February, with promotional prices for the Buenos Aires summer.

Spregelburd also leads this work together with his usual partner, Andrea Garrote. The cast is completed with Violeta Urtizberea and Guido Losantos. On the other hand, Nicolás Varchaysky contributes his live music

It is worth noting that this piece has been commissioned to Rafael Spregelburd by the Vorarlberger Landestheater Bregenz of Austria to celebrate the 500 years of Bosch. Inspired by the eternal wonder of that motley painting, playful, moral, prophetic, the author designed a complex labyrinth about sin, the blame, virtue and torture of the soul, a kind of heptalogy in seven short asymmetrical songs that push the expressive possibilities of the entire cast to the limit.

The plot of this work revolves around a journalist who will wake up confused after a trip to Chile. There, two catechists will get you out of bed to bring you urgent news: the Vatican has abolished hell. Now that the specific place of condemnation for souls no longer exists as a place in itself but becomes just a word, turns out hell is everywhere. It's in the language. The only way to escape from hell is with seven keys.. You have to learn the seven virtues: fe, esperanza, charity, temperance, Justice, prudence, fortaleza.

But just as hell ran in circles, virtue too: it seems impossible to exercise all seven virtues at the same time because they are off-center and incompatible, are poorly defined and damage inexorably calls for damage. A moral fable within another, which is in turn the plagiarism of a vain writer who copied a plot from an idle literary supplement based on beach genres; Now everyone must pay for the drill: the author, his lawyer, his critics, their victims, his supporting characters, his angels and his tormentors. And no one is stupid enough to appear in their stories with their real name..

"Inferno" will be presented on Wednesdays 15 Y 22 February from 20.30; while in March it will add functions on Thursdays and Fridays at the same time. Regarding the promotional price of the seats (3 A thousand pesos), it will remain in force until 22 February.

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