Home»theater»The functions of "Infinite universes inside small skulls" follow

The functions of "Infinite universes inside small skulls" follow

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The show "Infinite universes inside small skulls" continues to be presented on the stage of The Kairos Method under the direction of Peto Menahem.

This sole proprietorship headed by Hernán Sem, written by Sebastián Rigolino can be seen on Fridays from 23 in the enclosure located on El Salvador 4530 in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Palermo.

With great repercussion and functions that have been carried out with sold-out locations, the work revolves around four inhabitants of a boarding house on the edge of a window, where the drama mixes, comedy and absurdity.

These four tenants live in a boarding house and will have to resist day to day in a totally adverse context and within that context reminiscences of significant moments of their lives will appear, fantasies and obstacles that occur in intimate and exceptional everyday life.

Sem is an actor trained with Lorenzo Quinteros, Luis “Indian” Romero, Carlos de Urquiza and Daniel Marcove, among others. He had roles in plays such as "The God of the Birds", directed by Patricia Palmer, "The Old Lady", "Let whatever be of me", "Games at siesta time" and his previous one-man show "Broken Ashes".

As for inputs, They can be obtained at the theater ticket offices or through the Alternativa Teatral system..

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