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Release of books across the country to celebrate the Day Reader

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As part of the celebration of the Day Reader, this Friday 23 and through an initiative of the Book Foundation and the Argentina Society of Writers (SADE) It will take out a book released nationwide.

First of all, It is worth remembering that the Reader Day is celebrated every 24 of August, as a tribute to the birth of Jorge Luis Borges. This way and 120 years from the date of his birth will be given away more than 100 thousand poems of classic and contemporary Argentine authors.

The initiative will take place between 9 and the 18 and meeting points in the Federal Capital are the corners of Florida and Corrientes; Santa Fe and Callao; Hipolito Yrigoyen and Entre Rios; Corrientes and Callao and Rivadavia and Callao.

Meanwhile, These are the headquarters of the SADE in the following 56 cities and provinces (sorted alphabetically): Almirante Brown, Buenos Aires province; Avellaneda, Buenos Aires province, White Bay, Buenos Aires province; Baradero / San Pedro, Buenos Aires province; Brinkmann, Province of Cordoba; Bell, Buenos Aires province; Carlos Tejedor, Buenos Aires province; Castelli, Chaco Province; Castex, Province of La Pampa; Chascomús, Buenos Aires province; Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires province; Cipolletti, Black River Province; Autonomous City of Buenos Aires; Córdoba, Province of Cordoba; Coronda, Province of Santa Fe; Corrientes, Corrientes Province; Dolores, Buenos Aires province; Escobar, Buenos Aires province; Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires province; Formosa, Formosa Province; Goya, Corrientes Province; Ituzaingó, Buenos Aires province; Junín, Buenos Aires province; La Carlota, Province of Cordoba; La Plata, Buenos Aires province; Lanus, Buenos Aires province; Lomas de zamora, Buenos Aires province; Los Toldos, Buenos Aires province; Malargüe, Province of Mendoza; Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province; Mercedes, Buenos Aires province; Merlo, Buenos Aires province; Miramar, Buenos Aires province; Monte Grande, Buenos Aires province; Moreno, Buenos Aires province; Hummock, Buenos Aires province; Neuquén, Province of Neuquen; Paraná, Province of Entre Rios; Posadas, Province of Misiones; Quilmes, Buenos Aires province; Resistance, Chaco Province; Rio gallegos, Province of Santa Cruz; Rio Tercero, Province of Cordoba; Rosario, Province of Santa Fe; San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Catamarca Province; San Francisco, Province of Cordoba; San Isidro, Buenos Aires province; San Miguel de Tucuman, Province of Tucuman; San Rafael, Province of Mendoza; San Salvador de Jujuy, Jujuy Province; Santa Fe, Province of Santa Fe; Santa María de Punilla, Province of Cordoba; Santiago del Estero, Santiago del Estero Province; Saint tome, Province of Santa Fe; Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires Province and Villa Maria, Province of Cordoba.

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