Home»Culture»Literature and architecture workshop on Cortázar in the French Alliance

Literature and architecture workshop on Cortázar in the French Alliance

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Through the Zoom application, during wednesday in may, The French Alliance in Buenos Aires will carry out an online literature and architecture workshop on the famous writer Julio Cortázar.

These courses will be taught by the architect Agustina Lezcano and have two galleries as the setting: the Güemes Gallery in Buenos Aires and the Vivienne Gallery in Paris. Through these passages, the protagonist will be able to overcome time and space and move from one place to another.

The meetings propose to approach the story "The other sky" from a new perspective. Rereading it from architecture and philosophy to be able to travel together through the spatial and temporal leap that the story proposes between a 19th century Paris and a 20th century Buenos Aires.

Regarding the contents, those participants will know about the threshold concept – described by Walter Benjamin as that metaphysical space where one passes from one situation to another.

Following in the footsteps of the story character, there will be an architectural tour of the cities of Paris and Buenos Aires.

In each course you can analyze the passage from one gallery to another from the point of view of the character. Wondering about her wishes, your experiences and concerns. We will return to the initial idea of ​​threshold and take a tour of everything learned in the workshop. We will understand the reason for the title "The other heaven" and we will open the discussion to personal urban experiences that can occur in our city and in the world.

Classes will be held at 15 hours and to participate it is necessary to register through the address cultura@alianzafrancesa.org.ar. It is worth noting that this is an activity with limited quotas and fees (with discounts for the AFBA community and retirees).

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