Home»theater»“Collective therapy” continues with its functions in (The break) Theatrical

“Collective therapy” continues with its functions in (The break) Theatrical

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The show “Collective Therapy”, work created by Vanesa German Rieber and Sebastián Kirszner, continues to appear in (The break) Theatrical, with functions every Friday from 20.30.

Kirszner is also the director of this proposal that features performances by Elena Antelo, Nadia Brom, Lidia DI Vicenti, Cecilia Farina, Claudio Hamed, Pablito Lancone, Jorge Loyola, Joaquin Mujica, Omar Mujica and Shirley Naguanagua.

Regarding its history, narrates the journey that ten passengers of the bus 152 They will go to the downtown but on a more than unusual trip, since the transportation has been taken to carry out a therapy session.

Organized by the psychologist, the protagonists will present their problems in a fun way, that go beyond a subway strike that complicated their trip from the beginning.

Tickets to see this play can be obtained through the Alternative Teatral system or at the ticket offices of the venue located on Luis Viale. 625, in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Villa Crespo.

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