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All ready for the International Congress of the Spanish Language

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More of 200 writers, academics and linguists 32 countries will He gathered in the city of Cordoba on Wednesday 27 to Saturday 30 for participate in the VIII International Congress of the Spanish Language (CHILE), what for the second time in its history will turn to Argentina in the focus of debates on the future of Spanish.

The Nobel Prize Mario Vargas Llosa, Nicaraguan writer Sergio Ramirez, Spanish Juan Luis Cebrian, Carme Riera and Alex Grijlemo, the Mexican Jorge Volpi, Paco Ignacio Taibo II and Juan Villoro, Argentine Martin Caparros, Claudia Piñeiro, Luisa Valenzuela and Pablo De Santis will some participants, besides the Spanish singer Joaquín Sabina and Les Luthiers group, they reflect, among other issues, about the mutations experienced language from technology and changes in the social agenda.

Since this method was instituted driven by the Institute Cervantes next to the Royal Spanish Academy and 23 Latin language academies, It will be the first time a country again become host: eight editions took place in this period and was based in Argentina and 2004 with the edition developed in Rosario.

The CILE is presented as a meeting point between institutions regulating the use of language and its speakers, a population that according to estimates reaches 570 millions of people, that have become the second most used language in the world after English.

In the Wednesday edition will open with speeches by King of Spain, Felipe VI, President of the Nation, Mauricio Macri, and the writers Mario Vargas Llosa and Carme Riera, among others, They will be discussed issues such as the future of Spanish, the incidence of technologies digital, the challenges of cultural industries, the translation, The miscegenation linguistic and language teaching.

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