Home»interviews»Infinite Universes within the talent of Hernán Sem

Infinite Universes within the talent of Hernán Sem

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"Infinite Universes Inside Little Skulls" is one of the season's big theatrical releases. Not only has the criticism highlighted this putting written by Sebastian Rigolino and directed by Peto Menahem, but also the public accompanied since his departure, exhausting absolutely all the functions until now in The Kairos Method.

But the main attraction of this proposal is the solid and forceful performance provided by the protagonist Hernán Sem, who plays the four characters in this one-person show full of acid and ironic humor.

Four totally different personalities are captured in the work, but at the same time united by a common thread that will keep the viewer trapped until the end.

The sidewalk exclusively interviewed Sem, who explained that the work “emerged in the first days of March 2020, in the midst of a pandemic”. In that context, “Sebastián (Rigolino) I had something on my mind and so did I, we were uniting it and working together”.

“The sole proprietorship always seemed like a good idea to us., more than anything we were living for. We said 'what better idea then, an actor on a tip, the director in another, an assistant out there, all well separated. I had already done solo, so we decided to do it”, added the protagonist.

It should be noted that, besides playwright, Sebastián Rigolino is a psychiatrist, something that undoubtedly benefited the work by providing details and key points of view. “Sebastián worked more than anything in Manito, the last character, explains without. This construction of the character was also supported "in videos and in his words; It was a very nice job of creating the character”.

Once the story is thought, The time has come to think about the direction and that is where the name of Peto Menahem appears, someone who –according to Hernán- It was already going around in the minds of both.

“Once we had everything set up, we needed a director, because we did not know how to approach this text, which is really very difficult”, explains Hernán and adds: “We needed a director with that trade, look and talent. Although he questions what we call talent ".

Menahem's entry into the work was "fundamental" as defined by the protagonist since "he is a person of great generosity" and from whom "I always took something new from each encounter".

Did you enjoy any of those four characters more?? What was the hardest to do??

They were all difficult for me, but La Liebre -the first character-, The Goldfinch –the third-…were the most complex. At the beginning of the testing process, search and creativity, sometimes you don't feel good. At least I did not feel good in that search that is sometimes super comfortable and fun but sometimes just the opposite.. Now I enjoy them all.

Did they think of any other character that was later discarded or was the work always made for four?

There were always four characters. I think Sebastian did so, although once I thought I heard he had a fifth, The Raven. The play features La Liebre, Variety of illusions at the Teatro de la Ribera, The Goldfinch and Manito. One of them mentions the Raven and had it in the corner of his head to create it, but we are left with four.

In the face of so much Buenos Aires theatrical demand, since they started they always had a full room… what does this mean for you after having had such a bad time due to the pandemic?

means great joy. I was actually happy to have Peto, to start rehearsing, have a place, for having a release date and then yes, the performances came to a full room. All this is a great joy.

What comments did you receive from the public? Was there anyone who felt linked to history?

The comments are very good.. Every time we go to Instagram or Alternative the next day we see good comments. We were lucky and we are also happy with that.

How is the year for the show?

The work will continue until the end of the year.. that we will try. I know that we have dates until November and there is even the possibility of taking it to different stages of the interior, but that would be for next year maybe.

What are your projects for the rest of the year?

Personally, continue enjoying this work that has given us a lot of work and we are really very happy.. After, we'll see what happens.

“Infinite universes inside little skulls” is presented every Friday from 23 in The Kairos Method, with tickets on sale at the ticket offices of the venue located in El Salvador 4530 or by the Alternative Theatrical system.

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