Home»interviews»The Buenos Aires Paranormal meeting celebrates its anniversary edition

The Buenos Aires Paranormal meeting celebrates its anniversary edition

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This Saturday 17 In August, the tenth edition of the Buenos Aires Paranormal meeting will be held at the Santa Felicitas Museum, event that explores the mystery, centrándose en la enseñanza y aprendizaje.

Walter Medina is the organizer of the meeting and told The sidewalk that the first Buenos Aires Paranormal “was held in 2013 at the Bauen Hotel” with the idea that “it would be a talk event where specialists in various paranormal topics could explain them to the public.”. Being a place of teaching and learning. With great respect towards the unknown”.

What motivated you to start this meeting??

As I said before, teach people to respect the unknown. To give an example, We never had nor will we ever have satanists or people who want to make a cup game. Our specialists always tell you the dangers of these activities.

What does it mean to you to reach the tenth anniversary of the annual meeting?

It's a great achievement. We always thought that it would take us other organizations to try to do the same as us but they all focus on terror. Our event is not a horror event.

As it is an anniversary edition, Buenos Aires Paranormal se desarrollará con varias sorpresas para los asistentes. “La primera gran novedad es el cambio de locación, being the appointment at the Santa Felicitas Museum, place full of mysteries and sayings of ghosts walking around the place, including that of Felicitas Guerrero, Medina said. Added to that, “the presentation of each of our guests, among which Guillermo Lockhart of Voces Anónimas and Nicolás Rodríguez stand out, member of the Warren Legacy Foundation for Latin America. “Both guests come from Uruguay”.

Among all the new features, “The Temple of the Lost Souls” also stands out., an “interactive horror theater experience walking through the museum’s tunnels”, the organizer added.

It is worth noting that each of these meetings takes place with a large number of people., showing great interest in the topic. About this, Express Medina: “I think the unknown interests people”.

Many workshops took place, talks and activities in each of the editions. Was there any that impacted or surprised you the most??

Each one has their mark. Some are more technical, others more dynamic. In the first edition at the Bauen, We had a now-defunct paranormal research group named GAIAP that got permission to do an investigation at the hotel and present the results on the day of the event.. It was tremendous to see the hotel staff appear as the time for the talk approached.. And without a doubt, The evidence they showed was impressive. The report can still be seen on YouTube.

Much of the success of these meetings is due in part to the place where they are held.. In this case, the Santa Felicitas Museum. “The place is essential. This one in particular conveys a lot of fear and solemnity just by entering.. “Every corner makes a sting run down your back.”.

For those who have never attended a Buenos Aires Paranormal, what would be the special invitation?

First of all, know that it is a serious event. It is not a horror event. It has horror content. Here we are not looking for pieces of cut people or blood to come out everywhere.. There is a bit of a “show” from the interactive theater, but still, It is a very careful product. And the talks are serious. There are no blackmailers talking about such delicate things.. It is an event for those who are really interested in the paranormal world..

Buenos Aires Paranormal will take place this Saturday 17 of August, of 15 a 21 hours at the Santa Felicitas Museum, located in Pinzón 1480. There are still tickets available through the Passline system.

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