Home»theater»“Wolf Pack”, the new work of the Buenos Aires Theater Complex

“Wolf Pack”, the new work of the Buenos Aires Theater Complex

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Henrik Ibsen's proposal will hit the stage of the Teatro Presidente Alvear on Friday 27 of September, under the direction of Helena Tritek.

“Wolf Pack” is a free version of “Dame Inger of Ostraat” and will offer performances from Wednesday to Sunday starting at 20 hours at the Corrientes Avenue site 1659.

Starring Monina Bonelli, Agustín Rittano, Josefina Bocchino, Juan Luppi, Nicolas Dominici, Martin Henderson, Milagros Almeida, Junior Pisanu, Ariel Pérez de María and Rolo Sosiuk, The text focuses on the first decades of the 16th century, where Norway fights to maintain its independence from the Scandinavian countries.

In this context, Lady Inger de Ostraat appears. (1475–1555), a powerful landowner who weaves alliances, He concocts conspiracies and does not hesitate to risk the lives of his family to achieve his goal..

With this proposal written in 1854, Ibsen features a strong female protagonist, powerful and complex, crossed by her personal history and the agonizing drama of her country, dismembered by the political intrigues of the Swedes and Danes who use Norway as a battlefield to settle their rivalries.

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