Home»theater»The Puppeteers Group of the San Martín Theater presents its new work

The Puppeteers Group of the San Martín Theater presents its new work

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“El Rayo Verde” is the name of the new show that will be carried out by the Puppeteers Group of the San Martín Theater, based on one of Jules Verne's novels that can be enjoyed during the winter holidays.

Performances will start on 19 July and will go on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 16 hours; while from Thursday to Sunday there will be two presentations (to 16 Y 18).

Directed by Adelaida Mangani, The cast of “El Rayo Verde” is made up of Ariadna Bufano, Eleonora Dafcik, Silvia Galvan, Bruno Gianatelli, Fernando Morando, Mariano Pichetto and Esteban Quintana.

These presentations will be in the Martín Coronado Room of the venue located in Corrientes 1530, until Sunday 31 of July.

Suggested for children between 5 Y 12 years, the play will tell the story of Elena, the young woman who will deny getting married without first having the chance to see the green ray that crosses the sky just before sunset.

It is often said, that the person who can contemplate it will receive the gift of understanding the mystery of love. For this reason, the protagonist will embark with her uncles and a housekeeper on sea voyages aboard different boats.

Elena will visit beaches, islands, grottoes, and you will enjoy magnificent sunsets at the same time. During these journeys, she will meet people who will inspire her, will be in great danger, will help those in need and overcome problems.

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