Home»Who, And TV Series»The dubbed version of The Lion King and has confirmed its cast

The dubbed version of The Lion King and has confirmed its cast

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This Wednesday, Disney announced that it will be selected the cast of voices for the dubbed version of The Lion King, the return of the classic that can be seen on the big screen from 18 of July.

Directed by Jon Favreau, the film will return in a format live action and promises to be one of the most impressive productions this year. In that context, They will be part of the film the renowned singer and Mexican actor of international renown, Carlos Rivera, who he gives voice to Simba and Augustine "Radagast" Aristarán, the talented Argentine artist who gives his voice to the character of Kamari, one of the hyenas.

Radagast brings his voice to Kamari

This confirmation, Rivera said that The Lion King "has been one of the best things that have happened in my life. So many times this story has appeared on my way since childhood, it seems that my cycle with Simba refuses to close, and I am the happiest so be it ".

While, Mexico added that "this time, my Simba will be immortalized in a new film that future generations will have as a reference, and that surpasses any dream I could have wished ".

Meanwhile, Radagast said they felt "great joy, gratitude and emotion "and in turn recalled that" the first time I saw the animated version of The Lion King was very young, and the message of the film and the way it was told me the story reached the heart of a very powerful way ".

It is recalled that Carlos Rivera had played the character Simba in the musical "The Lion King", first in Spain in the 2011, and then in Mexico 2015, adding more than 1.000 functions in both countries and reaching almost half a million viewers and.

Rounding out the main cast of voices, the Mexicans: Fela Domínguez (actress and singer) as Nala; Sergio Carranza (actor and singer), as Pumba; Leonardo Luis Suarez (actor and performer), as Timon; Pisano (actor and singer), as Scar; and Sebastian Llapur (Argentine actor, Mexican nationalized) as Mufasa.

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