Home»theater»“Nación Alambre” ends its July performances and announces new dates

“Nación Alambre” ends its July performances and announces new dates

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The show "Wire Nation", work based on the events that occurred in the country in 2001, announced his last function in July and in turn confirmed his return to the stage at the request of the public.

This true story narrated from humor will be presented this Friday 7 July from the 21.30 hours at the Astrolabio Theater and will return to the Terrero 1456 in August (from 4) and will continue in september.

With text by Guadalupe Pita Monzón and direction by Sergio Falcón, the work has a cast made up of José Luis Ferrer, Brenda Pisano, diego enrique, Yan Androszczuk, gabriel scanga, Matias Pugliese, Gaby San and Guadalupe Pita Monzón herself.

This piece narrates the disconcerting events that occurred in that dark December of 2001, in the middle of the fall of the government of Fernando de la Rúa and in turn recounts a personal experience of the author, who at that time worked at the Casa Rosada.

As for inputs, They can be purchased at the ticket offices of the venue or through the Alternativa Teatral system.

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