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New readings from the National Salon of Visual Arts of the Palais de Glace

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The Palais de Glace will hold the Open Platform meeting, the first Days of reflection on the National Visual Arts Hall.

It is a program that will be developed online between the 15 Y 17 June and is registered in the National Visual Arts Hall (SNAV). It proposes to generate spaces for participation, training and dialogue in the field of Argentine art.

The initiative aims to host various points of view to project future policies and scenarios, at the same time that it encourages the circulation of exchanges with the different communities and groups in pursuit of cultural federalization and equal inclusion in diversity.

This program will be developed in dialogue with representatives of universities, museums, civil associations, clusters, communities and doers (artists, curators, producers, activists) of the artistic-cultural field.

Open Platform is a toolbox that contains several chained and at times simultaneous dimensions grouped under the Participation labels, Circulation and Archiving.


The Survey, already implemented during the contest registration process 2020/21, seeks to know in depth the sociodemographic characteristics of the artists and their opinions on the operation of the SNAV. The results of the survey are in the drafting stage and will be released throughout the year..

During the months of June, July and August will be held a reflection conference on the National Visual Arts Hall. In these discussion tables open to all audiences, that will take place virtually with prior registration, representatives of associations will participate, institutions and makers of the Argentine artistic and cultural field. Organized around four axes (ways to do, communities, federalism and representation processes), These instances of federal exchange will explore and analyze the SNAV multidimensionally. The trading tables will take place on some Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18 hours. The first table, "Let's talk about ways to do it", will be the 15 Y 17 of June; the second, "Let's talk about communities", the 29 June and 1 of July; third, "Let's talk about federalism", the 10 Y 12 of August; the fourth and last, "Let's talk about the participation processes", the 24 Y 26 of August.

Workshops are also planned in different parts of the country. These workshops aimed at artists and educational institutions, whose mode of implementation is conditioned by the evolution of the coronavirus pandemic, They will be carried out with the aim of providing participation tools in SNAV before the start of registration for the next edition of the contest.


The tools offered here are intended to create mechanisms for socializing the results arising from the dialogues and debates developed in the Participation dimension just presented..

This circulation proposal contemplates the creation and implementation of two itinerant exhibition modules: one that will articulate the records of the Open Platform program and the history of SNAV (Open Platform Module), another that will link stories from the Palais de Glace collection through works of medium and digital formats (Collection module).

The Open Platform Module will contain materials that account for the SNAV processes and produce an expository instance and inputs to strengthen different educational dynamics.

The Collection Module aims to articulate new curatorial stories from the Palais de Glace collection that will circulate in various parts of the country.


It is the third and last dimension to be developed within the Open Platform. The objective of the Archive is to register for public consultation all the Open Platform processes that will materialize in the annual publication of SNAV. A) Yes, Wanted, also, review SNAV editorial policies, policies that cover not only the production and circulation of the hitherto called "Catalog of the National Visual Arts Hall" but also the modes of reading.

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