Reading time: < 1 minuto Al conmemorarse 250 years of the birth of Beethoven, this Saturday the MAR Museum located in the Happy city, will carry out a sound intervention.

Reading time: < 1 minuto El cineasta Francis Ford Coppola, responsible for the trilogy of "The Godfather", refused to be behind a fourth installment, although he did not rule out that Paramount studios continue with the story of the Corleone family.

Reading time: < 1 minuto El legendario guitarrista de Queen, Brian May, is working on a project that aims to return the stages to bands in massive concerts.

Reading time: < 1 minuto Luego del lanzamiento de “Power Up”, his latest album and the following presentation of "Shot in the dark", the video of the song that served as the album's cut, this wednesday a new clip arrived, “Demon fire”.

Reading time: < 1 minuto Este miércoles Netflix presentó el primer tráiler oficial de la tercera temporada de Cobra Kai, one of the great successes that the platform will offer next year.

Reading time: < 1 minuto El miércoles 16 December will arrive at the Gachi Prieto gallery the exhibition "Topographies of inhabiting", that will be curated by Julieta Pestarino, Mariel Szlifman and Viviana Zargón.

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