Reading time: 2 minutos Luego de viralizarse el video que registraba una cobarde agresión al actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, actor 71 years thanked his audience and also had time to joke.

Reading time: < 1 minuto En el marco del Festival de Cine de Cannes, “Once upon a time in Hollywood” (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood) director's ninth film Quentin Tarantino- trailer premiered and there the full casting of stars is presented.

Reading time: < 1 minuto En el marco de las actividades realizadas por el Eje Innovación para la programación de Narrativas Cruzadas de los Museos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, this Sunday 26 May a new meeting will be held at the Museum of Humor (Muhu).

Reading time: < 1 minuto Esta tarde el reconocido multiinstrumentista uruguayo Hugo Fattoruso se presentará en el Hall Central Alfredo Alcón del Teatro San Martín, within the cycle Music Hall organized by the Theater Complex of Buenos Aires.

Reading time: 2 minutos Durante todo junio, Vinyl Café will celebrate its ten years of existence with a musical festival, in which they participate several of the artists who passed through the traditional venue located on Gorriti 3780.

Reading time: 2 minutos De acuerdo a lo señalado por Ralph Haiek, president of the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA), our country became a member of the Cultural Support Fund Eurimages, entity that promotes support for independent productions.

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