Home»Culture»Santiago Doria will be present in the cycle "Shortening distances"

Santiago Doria will be present in the cycle "Shortening distances"

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Within the framework of the meeting "Shortening distances" carried out by the Quilmes Culture area, the renowned artist Santiago Doria will be present to dialogue via online.

The appointment will be on Thursday 17 June from 16.30, moment in which the meeting takes place from the House of Cultures of Quilmes with the director, actor, Author, Argentine teacher and puppeteer.

Doria has a long artistic career, taking steps in all areas of the show, beyond being essentially a man of the theater.

In 2017 the director Santiago Doria proposed to a group of outstanding interpreters to mount “La discreta enamorada” by Lope de Vega. The success of the project led him to continue working with pieces from the repertoire of the Spanish Golden Age, and thus the shows “El lindo don Diego” by Agustín Moreto and “La jealous de ella” by Tirso de Molina were born.. These proposals allowed the creation of La Compañía Argentina de Teatro Clásico, That led to the publication in an edition of the National Theater Institute of the lived experiences of the Actors directed by the great Doria

The public that wishes to participate must request a registration form from the address casadelaculturaquilmes@gmail.com. The transmission will be made live through the official Facebook page of Quilmes Cultures.

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