Home»Culture»It extended to the 18 April registration to the Territory of Knowledge

It extended to the 18 April registration to the Territory of Knowledge

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The Ministry of Culture of the Nation extended until 18 April registration for the Territory of Knowledge, the federal cycle of distance training on strategic themes for community culture.

The call promotes the comprehensive development of cultural groups and community organizations throughout the country that carry out training activities in their territories, generating a horizontal exchange space for the construction of knowledge and the democratization of knowledge.

The training will last three months and will be in virtual mode. The course consists of three modules, with meetings and classroom-workshop spaces, in which referents of community culture will participate, researchers and public policy makers.

The meetings will address issues such as gender equality, food sovereignty, rights of indigenous communities, cooperativism, popular education and community culture, among other.

This edition is supported by the Diploma in Cultural Mediation, Community, Arts and Technologies of the National University of the Arts.

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