The “Argentine film song”. Return to the neighborhood” at the El Plata Cinema Theater
The next 26 In June the show “Argentine film song” will premiere. Return to the neighborhood” at the El Plata Cinema Theater in Mataderos (Of. Juan Bautista Alberdi 5765).
This event proposes a musical tour of the most remembered films of Argentine national cinematography., including anecdotes and stories of the great artists of Argentine cinema.
The show will be directed by Carlo Argento and Emiliano Samar, with Francisco Pesqueira in singing and interpretation. Ramiro Pettina will be in charge of music and multimedia. Performances will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 19 hours, until the 18 of July.
further, In the hall of the Cine Teatro, portraits of great figures of Argentine cinema from the golden age will be exhibited, taken by photographer Annemarie Heinrich. The photographs belong to the personal collection of Mario Gallina, historian and researcher of Argentine film and theater, and the curatorship was carried out by Claudio Larrea, director of the San Martín Theater Photo Gallery.